Can't believe that I only have three days left in Cape Town, as I am running round like a headless chicken trying to get everything done before I go. Spent the afternoon being told that I was going to die from everything under the sun in Asia by the paranoid doctor at the travel clinic. I escaped a R1000 poorer but safe against the ravages of Hepatitis, Typhoid, virilent eColi and Cholera which were out to get me. I even have a cooler box with another dose which I have to take just before I leave. I know, I know - yes I am also a bit of a hypocondriac but I do have a medical kit too...
Thank you to all of you who came to Relish on Friday. It was great to see you all and to say goodbye. For those of you who couldn't make it, you missed out on some damn good mojitos!
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