Tal has been able to take me into the city this weekend to explore the lane ways, art galleries, VCA, and the outer areas of Melbourne. The mayor of the city is very into preserving culture in the city, which includes the grafitti in the lanes, installing light boxes, putting masses of cash into the arts and museums, which is amazing. Something South Africa should definitly encourage more, but alas I suppose our cash has to go else where.
The food here is also amazing and I am going the have to start a food diary to remember it all, the tastes and influences. Eating out is relatively cheap and there are hundreds of bars, cafes and resturants lining every street. Many of the areas in the city have local expat communities so there are pockets of italian, greek, asian and vietnamese influenced places. Everything is fresh, sasonal and made to order. And the coffee is always good! Sydney will have to prove itself as having the best coffee in Oz.
Today Tal and I went to Soul Mama in St Kilda, were apart from the some really bad beach party playing shocking music, we had a delicious lunch over looking the sea. Virtually all gluten free and the best thing was the chocolate espresso pot, which I loved, even though I am not a chocolaty person.
I am working off all this food by tackling Tal's garden which is a complete overgrown jungle. I have filled four black bags with weeds so far and have planted a herb garden and some sunflowers for the house. They have a rose bush which is the size of a small tree! I have taken before and after shots so will keep you all posted. Tal lives with really lovely people, Lil who is a Vietnamese, freelance journalist, Miya who is a Polish photographer and Ram who is doing his PhD in human rights law. This make life interesting but they have been very welcoming and we have been hanging out while Tal has been working.
Off to Sydney on Thursday where I will be for Christmas etc! And appologies, spell check is not being my friend...
Naas, naas, Tals has perfected the Tour de Melbourne, although i do suggest the vietnamese noodle soup at that place in the city (where Bill Clinton ate two bowls! How many can you have?). Tals knows the one...
Yes, yes i'll go eat noodle soup greggles!
all right, my love. rocking the melbourne scene like no uvva bruvva, innit. Tell oz me says hello, boya! And dem li'l hunnies knows me loves the Sydney talent, aiiiii.
word to the Fraze!!!!!!
Yeah, Whut Whut! Keep it trill son! Damn, yo, you know how we do! Blingin' shades holmes.
F-r-to-the-izzle in hiz-aaaaaauws!
Pees owt.
Happy Kwanzaa mu'fuckahs!
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