Well, I have just completed my last day of work, and paid employment, for potentially the next 18 months which is exciting but very daunting financially! I must say that I will miss Peter Mac, my little grannies, all the staff at the Foundation, my morning latte and my new Aussie friends but it is time for the next adventure.
A quick catch up is that I moved back to Bennett Street last weekend and it is great to be back here, despite missing Ram and Tal as they are off on their travels, but Lieu, Marta, Adam and I have been cooking up a storm. The Melbourne International Garden Show was on last weekend and the gardening fanatic in me came out (it has been hidden in awhile) to play. Some amazing flower exhibits, rumoured to be judged by Prince Charles, though he would have been accosted by a million old ladies and gay flower arrangers, and lots of garden displays. Needless to say I couldn't resist and I am breaking the Biodiversity Act posting some exotic bulbs home to my mum, but they will be kept in pots and out of the forest....
But the most exciting thing that I have done this week is going to the Best of the V Festival last night where I saw the Pixies live!!! They were fantastic and Gina (who also spent some of her formative years jumping around to the them at the Fringe) and I jumped up and down like mad things with some crazy Irish people (Fek, be-jesus!). Wish you guys had been there. Phoenix was also great, but Jarvis Cocker not so much... Lots of Jagermeister, vodka and a fantastic concert over looking the city from the Myer music bowl. I did take three video clips of the concern but I still am figuring out You Tube.
I'm off to Tassie tomorrow for 6 days and I'm looking forward to eating oysters and sea food, driving round in my car and exploring the wild west coast. Happy Easter to all of you and I hope the bunny finds you where ever you may be.
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