Well it has been a hectic two weeks in some sense as I have done a lot of travelling, but I can't honestly say that life is very stressful when your main priorities are choosing which bikini to wear and which beach to lie on! I did write a long blog post this week detailing my journey over the last two weeks, but then the Internet connection died and i lost it all, so now that i am older and wiser I shall attempt to fill you in via smaller posts! Also Greg is posting on Jou Ma Se Blog and being more successful so most of you know whats up anyway.

Tamsmania was amazingly beautiful, cold and autumnal. I rented a car in Hobart and drove around for five days, singing alone to lots of music, (thanks to Ram!) mostly floks etc, going on scenic walks, breathing fresh air and exploring the wild western side of the island and its National Parks - Russel Falls, Lake St Claire, theFranklin River, Cradle Mountain - stopping in small towns, eating great food and drinking the local wine to stay warm and met some great fellow travellers. A bit f peace and quiet over Easter to sit back, relax, eat and Easter egg and get my head into holiday mode.

Before I knew it is was over and I flew back to Melbourne for less than 18 hours, were I replaced my winter woolies with my bikini and filled my backpack ready to hit South East Asia and arrived in Bangkok in the middle of Songkran. Songkran is a festival celebrating the Buddist New Year - an intergral part of the festival is to clense yourself with water and the whole city turns into a water fight for four days, and while it is good fun, we decided to head down to the islands after 2 days as not much else was accessable in the city.
1 comment:
hey ally!!!
yaya to hearing from you! I'm very excited about a nice melbourne reunion.. ahahh it shall be good.
I'm in minneapolis for one more day and then I fly out and over back to the land down under..
missing you!
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