Saturday, March 24, 2007

Yo La Tengo

Tal, Holly and I went to watch Yo La Tengo at the Corner Hotel in Richmond earlier this month which was fantastic but load as we were right next to the speakers! But then again maybe I am turning into Granny Al...


Greg said...

I hear they do this totally wild expressive thing inbetween songs man, that stuff SPEAKS to me man. Far out.

talya chalef said...

greggles.. if you're takign the piss ous to me cos i enjoyed their creative expression and moments of lingering madness.. well then .. ;fhawhefao;n;n.. cos it was great. and you're just jealous!

Greg said...

AH Tals i'm just pulling your socks! I have not heard them, but i must say i did quite enjoy it when Sonic Youth ended one of their songs with ten minutes of feedback filtered through about four pedals, each to their own i guess...